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1. Halifax BJJ Society (Halifax)
2. Maritime Jiu-Jitsu (Halifax)
3. Fit plus Mixed Martial Arts (Dartmouth)
4. Titan's Martial Arts and Fitness (Halifax)
5. Clinch Training Centre (Lower Sackville)
6. 374 MMA (Halifax)
7. Breakthrough BJJ (Amherst)
8. Cumberland MMA (Amherst)
9. Grant's Martial Arts (Dartmouth)
10. Abhaya Mixed Martial Arts (Greenwich)
11. Abhaya Mixed Martial Arts (Windsor)
12. Presley BJJ (Wellington)
13. Forca Centre (Dartmouth)
14. Team Fortitude (Bridgewater)
15. Integrity Martial Arts (Sydney)
16. Zombie Proof BJJ (Sydney)
17. SOB (Sprawl or Brawl) MMA (Glace Bay)
18. 12 Wing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Eastern Passage)
19. Pictou County Jiu Jitsu (New Glasgow)
20. Marmac Athletics (Truro)
21. Truro BJJ (Truro)
22. Yarmouth BJJ Society (Yarmouth)
23. Manimal Athletics Training Center (Lucasville)
24. Woodshop Jiu Jitsu (Antigonish)
25. Mountain Jiu Jitsu (Porters Lake)
26. The Sandbox (New Glasgow)
27. Bulldog Martial Arts (East Hants)
28. Tower 1 Combat Sports (Dartmouth)
29. Jake MacKenzie School of Jiu Jitsu (Halifax)
30. Victory Jiu Jitsu Halifax (Lower Sackville)
31. True Leverage Alliance BJJ (Kingston)
32. Samson Martial Arts & Fitness (St. Peter's)
33. Shiretown Grappling Club (Pictou County)
34. Cheticamp Martial Arts (Petit Etang)
35. Dragon Martial Arts Colchester (Kemptown)
36. The Tap Room Grappling Group (Middle Sackville)
37. Hero Grappling Club (CFB Halifax)
38. Stadacona BJJ (CFB Halifax))