GI VERSUS NO GI (Atlantic Canada)

Published on 25 October 2023 at 13:51

Table of Contents:



2. Pros/Cons

3. Atlantic Canada Trend

4. Cash Prizes

5.  Promotions NO GI

6. Summary/Conclusion






If you follow BJJ at all on all social media platforms, it would appear that NO GI is dominating the mainstream spotlight.  


NO GI seems to be the platform with larger crowds at their events and a more appealing avenue to earn cash in the sport.  Also, there seems to be  more and more top BJJ competitors either competing in both GI and NO GI or transitioning their time to one form of training exclusively. 


We wanted to dive deeper into the topic with emphasis on our home of Atlantic Canada.   In addition, we decided to take the opportunity to explore the key differences of the two BJJ forms to determine as to what may be the driving force to one or the other.  The information we have compiled may be of interest to current practitioners or perhaps to those that may be considering starting the journey of BJJ.


Although it may appear that NO GI is exploding and more popular,  BJJ content/event provider of  Flograppling states the following:


"GI jiu-jitsu has experienced tremendous growth over the last five-plus years, with near-weekly tournaments all over the world, record-breaking registration numbers for events big and small, and more people walking into jiu-jitsu gyms than ever before. 

Contrary to some vocal members of the grappling community, GI jiu-jitsu is still bigger in many ways than NO-GI. More people practice jiu-jitsu in the GI and more people enter GI tournaments. The overwhelming majority of people involved in jiu-jitsu are strongly connected to the GI. "










Maybe by evaluating key factors of each form of BJJ we can conclude as to why someone may choose one training platform over the other?

We browsed the online BJJ community and developed the following summary of common pros and cons to practicing BJJ in the GI and NO GI:



As depicted, both have significant pros or benefits to progression in the art.


Atlantic Canada Trend


To obtain an exact figure of those training only GI or NO GI exclusevely within Atlantic Canada would be challenging.  To be exact, we would need every club to assess their membership base to distinguish those training only one or the other.  Our goal was to determine which of GI  or NO GI  is more popular in our region. We felt we could obtain some clarification by analyzing our local, tournament scene.  We analyzed the registration databases for  the following tournaments for 2023 (YTD):


- Submission Arts Atlantic (Winter Games/Spring Games/Summer Games)

- Guillotine Grappling (Nova Scotia Challenge)

- Rogue Grappling (Frostbite/ Genesis/ Wipeout)

- Newfoundland and Labrador Championships (Summer 2023) 


We decided to go a step further and evaluate all tournaments for Atlantic Canada for 2023 to determine any trends to one form of training or the other.

Please see the following tournament data table:



The statistics as a whole (all age groups) indicate an equal popularity within the tournament/event scene within Atlantic Canada.  The only variance we could determine with the analysis of data was a preference of NO GI for adults and GI for youth. 


Cash Prizes



Within Atlantic Canada, our tournament prize is typically medals or in some cases a belt. 


If someone may be looking at expanding their competition horizons  outside of the region or perhaps making some supplemental income, NO GI appears to have the advantage on cash prizes as per following data: 





(MEN) (Per weight class)

First: $10,000.00
Second: $5,000.00
Third: $3,000.00
Fourth: $1,000.00


(WOMEN) (Per weight class)

First: $6,000.00
Second: $3,000.00
Third: $2,000.00
Fourth: $1,000.00



First: $40,000.00
Second: $10,000.00
Third: $5,000.00
Fourth: $1,000.00



Winner: $40,000
Looser: $10,000



Best Fighter: $1,400.00
Best Takedown: $1,400.00
Fastest Submission: $1,400.00
Best Fight of Competition: $1,400.00 (split)



Cash Prizes (Black Belt)


Promotions/NO GI

Promoting guidelines are at the discretion of each school/academy.  In some cases, the protocol could be based on the school's affiliation. 


We see more and more mainstream clubs training NO GI only today.  Ever wonder if they still follow the traditional BJJ belt ranking system or if their members get promoted or not?


For example,  10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu is a style of jiu-jitsu that focuses only on NO GI  BJJ.   They were on of the first teams to make the move to NO GI only.

At 10th planet, they do  give out actual belts during a promotion.  Some students at 10th Planet wear colored rash guards that signify their rank. 


If no GI is all you wish to train, check with the school  of interest as to what their policy on promotions may be.  Also, see if the schedule will work for you. 


Perhaps you may be concerned that training in NO GI only will effect your desired goal to continue belt rank progression?


We cannot speak for all academies within our region; however, we did speak with two local BJJ Black Belts to see how they approached the subject of promotion for their students that may train in NO GI only based on personal preference:


"I think BJJ is always evolving. Nowadays, while the GI is still popular most new students I have really enjoy NO GI grappling. I think grappling principals are universal. The GI is a great tool but it’s simply that - a tool. I look at overall grappling skill when I want to grade someone and that can be done with or without a GI on."

 Josh Presley 

BJJ Black Belt, Nova Scotia

- Presley BJJ -



"I grade my NO-GI students the same way. I assess their technique, rolling, leadership, sportsmanship and generally attitude. I give a jiu-jitsu belt as the symbol that they have achieved that level."

 Melyssa Adams

BJJ Black Belt, New Brunswick

- Synergy BJJ -



We provided the compiled information as a non biased tool for others to conclude what  they feel is the optimal form of training BJJ.


Based on our analysis at this time, we feel that both GI and NO GI are in demand in our region and see the continuation of this trend in the future.


In our opinion, the choice comes down to what works best for you.  


If you are just looking to practice BJJ for the extreme health benefits, both will provide immense dividends to your overall health.


If you are a competitor, our research indicates that both are recommended to progress at the highest level.


One of the greatest grapplers of all time, Marcelo Garcia was able to be successful with a transferable style in both forms. They stated the following:


“I train every day in the gi, and once a week with no-gi. An athlete who wants to be good in no-gi, must also train in the gi”

- Marcelo Garcia - 

(Source: Gi vs. No Gi Jiu Jitsu: The Ultimate Guide | by Tomislav Zivanovic | Martial Arts Unleashed | Medium)


The best advice we can provide to someone new to the art/sport of BJJ, is try a class of both and see what works for you.  With the evolution of both GI and NO GI, you will experience the similarities and vast differences between both methods. 



( BJJ Purple Belt)




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