Atlantic Club Spotlight with North Shore Jiu Jitsu

Published on 15 April 2023 at 22:13
(12 Questions)
1. Club name/location (if applicable, affiliation)
Our club name is North Shore Jiujitsu and we are situated in Campbellton NB.   Our classes are at the CCNB gymnasium and we are now affiliated with GFTeam.  We think its a great move to affiliate with them.  Jake Mackenzie is a Champion and we are proud to be under him !

2. Owner/Instructor (s):


I am, Dominic Leblanc,  the owner and instructor of North Shore Jiujitsu . I've been doing jiujitsu for the last 12 years as well as other martial arts, such as wrestling , judo , Japanese jiujitsu, ninjutsu and Kyokushin Kai karate. I have 2 MMA fights and many BJJ competitions at the advance level.  I've been teaching for the last 10 years. We just affiliated with GFTeam and my purpose is now to grow the school and spread the art of jiujitsu .


3. When did you open your club?


 North Shore Jiujitsu opened in May, 2022 


4. What made you decide to open your own club and why did you choose your current location?


When Covid Hit , I had lots of time to think and I realized that Jiujitsu is what I truly want to do in life and that I needed to do my own thing from now on.  


5. What is the main focus for your club?


The main goals is to have fun while doing Jiujitsu and everyone should learn or get better at a technique every single class.  We have a good sense of camaraderie and everyone should feel welcome and included.


6. Programs available:


We offer Gi only classes for now and we are open twice a week (Monday and Wednesday from 6pm to 8 pm ) at the Gymnasium of the Campbellton CCNB.  Self Defence jiu jitsu is a priority; but ,we cover sport bjj , NOGI and MMA techniques as well. We have various locations for training outside the regular schedule, so if you're in the region and would like to train , don't hesitate to contact us and we will make it happen!

7. Has your club grown or expanded since opening? Experienced versus beginner ratio?
Our club has grown in large numbers since we moved to ccnb and we just expanded our mat size by triple so everyone can have a place to move and groove. We have 7 colored belts on the mats and many other martial artists from different styles, which make good conversation on the mats for the knowledge of all .

8. Describe a typical BJJ class at your school:


Our Jiujitsu classes start with some dynamic stretching and bjj warm up for about 20 min then we are drilling for an hour and we roll , drill or spar for the last 30 to 45 min. 


9. Advice to anyone who may be contemplating joining a BJJ club? 


Don't be afraid to start because you think your too old or out of shape.  Jiujitsu will put you in shape and eventually your base and your motion will get better.  You will feel younger because your body will be able to move as it should.


10.  Future plans/goals for the club?


We are organizing The North Shore Jiujitsu Open on June 10th !  We hope that this tournament will be an annual event and our goal is to bring the BJJ community to the North Shore of New Brunswick and make a meeting point between the Schools of the Atlantic provinces and the Quebec.

11. Your definition or concept as to what is or makes a "BJJ Community"
My definition of bjj community is that, we all need each other to learn and get better ! The martial art way is a rare path and we all choose it . I think that is what make us connected .  
12. Thoughts or opinion on the growth of the sport/art in Atlantic Canada? Anything you would like to see happen in the region for BJJ? 
Jiujitsu is getting more popular then ever before.  Nova Scotia and Southern NB have been established for many years now in terms of high level jiujitsu competition. I think there is great time to establish competitions in the north too! We are closer to our Quebec friends and it is a great opportunity to compete against new people !