Club Spotlight with Grappling Fight Team Moncton

Published on 7 June 2023 at 23:39


(14 Questions):


1. Club name/location/Affiliation:


Gfteam Moncton - affiliated with Gfteam and in particular Jake Mackenzie. I’ve known Jake for over 10 years now. When we became our own club 5 years ago, it just felt like the right thing for the gym and it’s been exactly that.  Couldn’t be happier with the decision. He’s able to give us access to world class teaching and talent.
2. Owner name (s):
I’m Chad Cox the owner. I’m a 1st degree Black Belt under Jake Mackenzie. I started in late 2005 at an MMA gym in BC. When it closed the only other club around was Gracie Barra and they focused on the Gi. I fell in love with it and have been an avid competitor since. I actually competed a few weeks ago for the first time since corona and have a tournament this weekend and next weekend as well.

 3. Instructor (s):
Chad Cox -owner/operator 1st Degree Black Belt BJJ and MMA coach
Alex Thoms - wrestling coach/MMA
-CIS freestyle silver medalist
-Olympic trials winner Greco
-Men’s senior national silver medalist freestyle

Mike Khan - purple belt bjj instructor
Very active competitor on the local scene. Winning or medaling in all tournaments

4. When did you open your club?

We opened March 2018 - just over 5 years. 

5. What made you decide to open your own club and why did you choose your current location (s)?
Myself and another gentleman, Anthony Gauvin started the gym after another one had closed. We had only knew each other for a month but decided to try our luck with opening one together. Anthony was a great guy and a huge part of the team. Unfortunately last year he had to move to handle personal/family issues but we maintain a good relationship and always train together when he is in town.

6. What is the main purpose/focus for your club?
We try to foster an open atmosphere. That’s an important aspect. I think we have good competitors in both our BJJ and MMA programs; but, we try to meet the needs of our members. Gfteam Moncton has a place for all, hobbyists and competitors alike.  

7. Programs available/schedule


8. Gi versus no GI split on class offering? Demand changing to one or the other?
We have equal class gi and no gi. 
9. Has your club grown or expanded since opening? Experienced versus beginner ratio?


We’ve grown a fair amount since the start. Both in students and space. We currently have around 2000 sq feet of mat space.


10. Describe a typical BJJ class at your school.:


Brief warm up with BJJ movements, followed by technique and lots of rolling.



11. Do you ever host or offer seminars? If so, some past examples of participants and future events.

We have hosted a few, primarily Jake and some of the Brazilians he brings up.



12. Advice to anyone who may be contemplating joining a BJJ club? 


Take a leap of faith. It might turn out to be one of the best decisions you make.


13. Your definition or concept as to what is or makes a "BJJ Community" 


People who are passionate about BJJ. The sport seems to be exploding and the community continues

to grow.


14. Thoughts or opinion on the growth of the sport/art in Atlantic Canada? Anything you would like to see happen in the region for BJJ?

The sport has grown so much since I’ve started. In all aspects (clubs,  tournaments, clothing line etc... ) and I feel like the majority has been to the benefit of the “scene”. Lots of great talent and quite a few black belts in the Maritimes now passing on the knowledge to the next generation.